Bain Total Shop
Matrix Cube



Artist: Die Form
Label: Matrix Cube
Released: 2004-Mar-26
Cat. No.: TRI 197 CD
Format: Compact Disc

Notes & Commentary
Composed, produced and recorded by Philippe Fichot / Die Form
Female vocals and arrangements : Éliane P.
Produced by Bain Total â„—2003
Copyright control : Philippe Fichot / All Rights Reserved
Photography and cover design : Ph. F.

“El sueño de la razon produce monstruos”
“Le sommeil de la raison engendre des monstres”
“The sleep of the reason generates monsters”
“Der Schlaf der Vernunft gebiert Ungeheuer”
“Il sonno della ragione genera mostri”

InHuman, first volet of a diptych which will be completed by ExHuman, marks an evolution, but also a renewal as far as tools, technique and composition are concerned. Éliane’s vocals hold a preponderant place as revealer of emotions, contrasting with the dark universe of images, the cruelty of some texts and the para-mechanical option of the electronic music.

Among other things, it is about the pact between the human and the animal, the agony of the soul, forbidden loves, murderous madness, the spirit of the forest, the sacrifice of nature…

The framework of this first part is nature, real or rebuilt, where the elements have been reorganized in order to get a new reality, invisible to the naked eye, bordering on the very essence of the being, “born of the consensual confrontation of love and death”.

InHuman… at the same time inhuman and within, inside the heart of the human.